Włodzimierz Malicki was born on 8th of April 1946 in Łubowo, 2 km from the Waręż town, near Sokal in Ukraine. He was resettled during the action of “Vistula” together with his family to the West Pomeranian region of Poland, near Stargard (then szczeciński) to Czarnikowo village. By the end of the 50s …
Author: Redaktor
Łachtiuk Piotr
Piotr Łachtiuk, actually Pantelejmona Bondarczuk was born on August 9th 1911 (documented as August 9th of 1907) in Żabokryki Wielkie village (presently Dowgaliwska) in multi-child Ukrainian peasant family, the son of Jeremiej and Feofanija, nee Krajewska. From an early age he was interested in music, he sang in a …
Truchan Myrosław
One of the main organizers of Ukrainian social and cultural life in Poland after WWII; writer, publicist and columnist; a person repressed by the authorities of People’s Poland.
Myrosław Truchan was born on May 27, 1925 in the town of Miory (Braslaw county, now the Republic of Belarus). His …
Ukrainians in the Pomerania area
The first meeting of the Voivodeship UTSK Organising Committee in Szczecin took place on August 10th in 1956. Among others, the following parties participated: the representatives of the local government, including the Vice Chairman of PWRN in Szczecin - Kazimierz Gołaczewski and the Supervisor of Social - Administrative PWRN Branch Jakub Grelich. The …